Thursday, 28 February 2013

Observation of National Science Day - 2013

What is the greatest invention of all times? The answer may vary from the 'Wheel' to the 'Space Shuttle' or from the 'Printing technology' to the 'Internet' or from 'Penicillin' to 'Human Genome Projects'. 

The development and progress of humanity, at all times, is based on scientific discoveries and inventions. From the basic inventions of tools, fire, shelter, boat etc. to the unending list of inventions in various fields of Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Life sciences, Medicine, Agriculture, Engineering, Manufacturing, Information and Communication Technology, and so on.. led the humankind to this present progress.  

The observance of National Science Day on 28th February provided the students of JICM  an opportunity to have a glimpse of the body of scientific knowledge. The Day is celebrated in India to commemorate the discovery of Raman Effect by the great indian Physicist Sir. C. V. Raman. The National Council for Science and Technology Communication aims to spread the message of importance of science and its application through this observation. 
The JICM event included video presentation on scientific inventions, movie clips generating scientific curiosity and a talk on the importance of Science, and the Day by Ms. Shanthi Mathai. 
The programme threw light on us about the scientific inventions in the past and boosted our interest in science and general knowledge on science and scientists. We understood how important is science in our lives. Science and its applications made our daily lives easy through the various facilities of transportation, communication, achievements in the field of medical treatment, and advancements in the field of business. 

It was an enriching experience to be part of this observation of National Science Day - 2013. 

[Contributors:  Ajai Gupta, Deepansh Aswathi, Dhruv Singh, Raj Gulani, Trishala Sisodia, Udgosh Pandey (B Com II & B Com IV)]

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