The tremendous growth of Media and Communication Industry is one of the peculiarities of 21st Century.
Mass Media such as Print, Radio, Television, Internet and the like with their technological advancements and diversity of content are attracting the attention of audiences as well as marketers. This provides young people with huge opportunities to be part of 'Managing the Media'. Visits to the mass media organisations provide chances to observe and understand in detail the efforts, activities and technologies involved in bringing the written, audio and audio-visual news and other programmes to the 'people' or audience.The Station Head Mr. Joby David, who himself is the Sales and Marketing Department Head and Mr. Nevekar, the Programming Head explained to the students about these two vertical departments and the functions of different working departments under these two. The students also got opportunities to interact with the personnel managing the activities of different departments of the Radio Station including Mr. Nervekar, who is a famous RJ.
Students were able to grasp more information related to Account handling & Client Servicing, Revenue generation through Advertising, Audience mind mapping to evaluate the prgrammes, Ad Production etc. The demonstrations of Ad Recording and Editing, details of the software used for these, functioning of Studio, the Programming and Scheduling procedure before they go on air etc.provided there added additional knowledge to the students.
During their visit to Danik Jagran , Bhopal, the students were well guided with explanations and illustrations in every department. Learning from the visit included how each department functions and how the newspaper is produced, circulated, how ad spaces are sold, how the printing press works etc.
On the whole the visits to the Media were very interesting and productive. To place on record their visits and learning, the students prepared reports of their visits also.
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