Let’s have a pop quiz, shall we??… With 5 seconds on the clock, name any 5 products that you can think of at the count of 3…1 2 3 go!! Well what were your top 5? Car, bike, watch, perfume, washing powder, electronics, what? Well whatever it is, be sure that someone out there is extremely happy that he has entered your mindshare by consistently bombarding you with audio, visual and most of the times with audio-visual content so that the image of your favorite celebrity’s pearly whites is registered in your subconscious mind which proves really helpful, when you are in need to buy some a toothpaste.
Creativity in the ad business is already over hyped and much talked about so I wouldn’t want a learner like me commenting against the great guns in the business. But I do believe that though creativity is to an extent inborn and more of wit, in the advertising business, creativity has to be aptly supported by immaculate communications techniques. The musical jingles, the crazy ideas and the spoofy bits that catch the consumer’s attention are all outcome of meticulous planning and execution. Today courses of advertising and marketing have grown in leaps and bounds teaching the young and the enterprising to navigate the reins of the consumer’s mind.
Getting a message across to the consumer, involves a tedious process starting with a pitch ending with the final copy of the ad rolling out for the consumers. Colleges’ today focus on providing practical knowledge in various facets of advertising for their students, the reason being that the young guns can realize early where their forte lies. Remember not everyone is creative but creativity can’t alone make an advertisement. A thought will only be appreciated if it’s put down by in the right language, conveyed by the right medium to the right audience.
A 30 second television commercial, takes 30 days of planning before a 3 day shoot and previous to that its takes 30 days of pitching, previous to which there are at least 20 days of briefing and going back a bit, it all starts when a company realizes that they need a new advertising campaign to promote their product and they call you for a pitch…
Put in one small line, “it takes at least 100 days, for a 30 sec TVC to materialize on television” and still, nobody can guarantee that the product will sell. So guessing the odds, it would be safe to say the learning to think how your consumer will think is better than going ahead a gut feeling of the consumer mindshare. After all, YEHI HAI RIGHT CHOICE….HAAN KI NAA???
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